Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Non-Attachment versus Detachment

A client had a question about the difference between non-attachment and detachment so here is my answer for those of you wondering. Non-attachment is neutral such as: caring but not reacting from ego/personality; standing solid in self and allowing the truth to be revealed and then a deeper truth. Being present but not attached to a particular view/version or outcome Detachment is not caring; like "whatever." It is choosing to cut off feelings; to stop caring; to ignore; to deny. I welcome your questions and thoughts about the differences. Thanks!

Physical Integration = PLOP of body & home

Physical Integration = PLOP of body & home For those of you experiencing physical symptoms in the body or home, know there is hope. Often body and home mirror each other. It seems we begin in the body and then transition through all mind, emotion, and spirit and then plop back into the body to get it all integrated. Physical symptoms are where I am seeing a lot of people struggle right now. It is almost as if we are trying to fit all of that energy and experience into such a small container. It can happen quite naturally but takes some self-acceptance and trusting. Support: Are you aware of a moment when you 'chose' to leave the physical density for higher experience? If you are, go back to that decision and re-live it in your mind. Look at it from all angles and see its deeper truth. It is a connecting point for re-entry. Mine was in 2002 when I let go of nearly every physical possession I owned. Letting go became my way of life. Spiritual seeking became my path and it was richly rewarded. But that, too, came to completion and integration became key. Returning to knowing of wholeness is current way. We are whole. That is balance. Remembering those moments of choosing to raise our vibration; to upgrade our life are helpful in the re-entry of integration. My letting go had really started in 1995 when I had my first awakening but my conscious walking lighter in 2002 was a result of a series of events including taking off my watch, leaving Corporate America, moving out of my home and empty nest when my daughters moved out. It was a letting go of my external foundation so a stronger and more internal foundation could be built. In hindsight, I realize that I was letting go of too much without balancing the energies with letting in. It all got “corrected” in its own time but whew! Take some time to be with your changes . . . to be with any "symptoms" in body and home. See the correlations. Let go. Let in. Trust.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

In Love with Idea or Reality?

Sometimes we fall in love with the IDEA of someone, something, some place instead of the reality. We imagine the vision of best which is beautiful in its hope. It can also be dysfunctional in its inaccuracy. There is a bridge from fantasy to reality that I call living in the gap. I see this a lot in coaching sessions. The first step is getting real with yourself about current REALITY. Get down and dirty with the practical, earthiness. Then move into deep acceptance with gratitude for what is working well and set out your greatest goals with inspired intention. Then LET GO. Yes, when we are living in the gap, we are living within the questions of: How do we hold on to "Act As If" and "Eeck this is what's real?" When do we let go of dreaming and move into deep acceptance of what is? How do we know when to let go of expectations that bind us to not enough? Trust you will know. In the meantime, stay with GRATITUDE . .. stay with INTEND . . . stay with LET GO. Also, try: Meditate upon the word Probability. Then spend some time with the word/attitude of Possibility. AND Return to GRATITUDE; INTEND; LET GO.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Is this your 3rd life? [Inspiration] Life has chapters & sometimes those chapters turn into books of their own. That's what I'm seeing a lot of lately. New books that can seem like new lives. Here's what marks a change from chapter to book: A man comes home & tells his wife that he has been having an affair & wants a divorce - shattering her safe existence; That same woman re-discovers herself as vital, sexy, strong & begins a new life that feels even more authentic than before. A parent with an aging mind requires attention from their grown child - interrupting a life of balance. The deep reflection on life & mortality that comes from the tending to mom opens new doors of deeper living & a better life. A child that grew up too fast is going away to college in August - diving a mom into an abyss of wondering who she is beyond raising children. A woman that is no longer needed in that mommy kind of way realizes she has needs of her own & gets on with getting them met. As a life coach, I recently helped people in these situations, and many more, realize that it is ok to turn the page from chapter to book & to create a new life with the perfection of a sure self, a smooth pen & crisp paper. The speed with which we bounce back from life's shattering shifts is what is on my mind today. Some people come to a life-wrenching halt when life deals them a tough hand. Making decisions can be hard & emotions overwhelming when we feel like that we are moving through the wild waves alone. Some people move quickly through the stages of change. They have a solid sense of self, they feel what they feel; they trust; they have optimism & hope. The title for this article "Is this your 3rd life?" came from a recent conversation with a man that lost his wife to illness. He was deep in grieving to be sure & also said he always had a sense that he would have 3 lives & that he knew who he was & how to go about creating his new 3rd life. I was in awe of his honoring of her & himself. My work in the world is helping people see that life is a journey that can seem like interruptions of peace but that with a Core seed of self standing in support, we get on with getting on. When I went through my wild interruptions of job crisis; scary diagnosis; empty nest; financial tornado & much more, I learned a lot about solidity & what it takes to maintain a sense of self aside from external identity. When we got it HERE, we don't need it there. Then we can breathe & be. I took what I learned & created the Core Class. The next Core Class is Sunday, September 8 from 9 to 5. Do yourself a favor & get crystal clear on who you are so when life bumps, you don't. Click here for more information & to register. Caring about you, Dane www.LifeCoachDane.com

Monday, April 1, 2013

New View [Inspiration]

New View [Inspiration] As April Fool's Day begins, ask yourself if there are ways you are feeling fooled by life. This has been up lately as illusions fade away & our new view shakes our stable feet. Have you been asking yourself "How did I believe that when what I believe now is so different?" We can feel foolish when we wake up from our view of before & shake the illusions from our eyes but we aren't fools. Life leads us all down roads that seem to be labeled "Me" that wind up not really being "You" for long. It happens like this: A teacher tells us we can't do something & we believe. A parent instills their beliefs based on their pain & we buy it as our own. Society guides us there. Religion says "here." Corporations say "this way." Before long, we have taken so many well-intentioned detours that we forgot where we began & where we must return . . . to our Core. I moved my office from Suite 322 to 206 over the weekend & I have a new view. Just outside the window is a pond of ducks & herons & trees barely starting to bud. It smells of clean & possibilities. As I wrote those words, a vibrant red Cardinal scurried to the tree before me as I symbolic reminder of new life. Thank you, sweet bird! As Greg was applying the wall words pictured above, he asked me "How can somebody not be who they are?" Seems so simple, doesn't it? We all lose our way though. I am reminded of a Lilly executive that I coached many years ago. He had a degree in marketing but the corporate way of promotion had him walking far from his roots. He had reached a level of envy in the eyes of prestige & income but his heart ached for his center. After a few sessions, it became obvious that he wasn't willing to take the risk at this point in his career to tip the corporate cart . . . even if it meant his cart would find new & improved wheels & ride. That was ok though. He bought a Harley instead & found ways outside of work to shine. Change can be risky. It takes courage. He wanted me to keep coming for our bi-weekly talks & I asked him why. He said "Because you help me remember what is real." I invite you this week to take a ponder upon what is real & where you might be feeling fooled. Go deeper into the illusions & break free of binds that may have been right for a while but have ran their course. Take the steps to let go of the external pressures & to return to your wise & wonderful Core that holds the answers . . . like an acorn to an oak tree . . . it knows your way. Listen. Trust. Open to the New View. Change. Simply Become Who You Are. The Core Class will help & the next one is Sunday, 4/21 from 9 to 5 & yes, there is still room for you. If you aren't sure who you are anymore, or perhaps have never known, give yourself the gift of this class. This is an accelerated path for a firm foundation that will help you know you're ok no matter what. Click here for details & to register Dane

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

3/27 Full Moon Prep [Support]

The full moon typically brings peak wildness along with its energy of manifestation & completion. Every once in a while, though, it unleashes more wildness than usual & this message is meant to prepare for one of those. The full moon typically brings peak wildness along with its energy of manifestation & completion. Every once in a while, though, it unleashes more wildness than usual & this message is meant to prepare for one of those. The energy (which really ramped up on Sunday) is reading "difficult full moon" with the possibility of instability, anger & opposition. The moon is passing through Libra & will ultimately try to be about balance in relationships but first other planetary influences could bring imbalance. Everyone will feel the effects of this full moon, but the signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer & Capricorn, may feel it more than most. I am, by no means, an astrologer but I trust the energies that I am feeling & have heard from plenty of people that are struggling. Here are some tips for riding the waves of these feisty energies: Plant your feet firmly beneath you shoulder-width apart. Stand in your Core strength. Affirm "I am flexible & strong." Yes, we can & need to be both. Do not ground to planet Earth through your feet as you may have done in the past. Instead, imagine that you are centered within both horizontal & vertical sacred circles (for those of you that are in the Apprenticeship Program &/or relate to the Native American Medicine Wheel, connect with the circles of the 7 directions of east, south, west, north & above, below, within). At the center of this circle, you are strong, flexible, & live with integrated wholeness of mind, emotions, spirit & body. There is no separation here. Affirm "I am whole." Use your breath to deepen your sense of self & your connection to All & affirm "I am." Keep your schedule clear so that you can do what you need to do to tend to self & others. If you want support, schedule a session with me by emailing your preferred dates & times to LifeCoachDane @ gmail.com. I have extended my hours on Wednesday & Thursday to support you. Trust that we know our way through any "prediction" of wildness & focus on peace, love, prosperity & joy. So It Is. Riding the waves, Dane

Monday, March 18, 2013

All Around Us [Inspiration]

All Around Us [Inspiration] Despite my rushing ways, the man's words stopped me in my tracks. They were powerful but I didn't then how or why. I do now. He changed my world that 1996 day even though it took me a long time to figure out what he meant when he said "There are things happening all around that you aren't seeing." I later learned that I was living on the surface of life without noticing the details & therefore, the depth. I invite you to sit with those words this week & with the image of "Circle of Friends" from my office above. From wherever you stand, begin a new level of opening & awareness so you can see beyond the obvious into the more. With gratitude for the words that rock our world, Dane P.S. Spring Vision Quest Registration is now open! Quest is Saturday, May 11 with Preparation beginning April 12th. Look for invitation via other email soon or if you can't wait, hit 'reply' and type "I'm in!" P.S.2 Yes, there are still a few slots left if you want to get certified as a Life Coach in 2013 but zippa now a 'reply' of "Yes, I want to be a Coach!" Class kick-off is 4/4! visit www.LifeCoachDane.com for more information