Monday, July 7, 2008

Mythically Yours by Karen Harper

Greetings, You! Yes, YOU!! All you soulful wholefuls who come from your busy personal worlds to touch in, this post is filled with blessing and appreciation for each one of you. I sense such beauty and power and right-mindedness in this community. What a remarkable thing it is when people draw together because of awakened spirit.

Are we a church? I have not been to church for many years. I am like the boy in the book, The Secret Life of Pi. He was Buddhist, and Catholic and Jewish (or some such mix of faiths) and happily reveled in each until the faith fathers found out how inclusive his devotion was. After that the boy just was. One wonders how that undefined state served him and whether the whole idea of church needs revision. Or perhaps we need an entirely new word as we may have evolved beyond such institutionalization.

I am a lover of myth, and cannot imagine how anyone of my persuasion could escape a fate similar to this boy’s. Myth has attracted many definitions, one of which is, “someone else’s religion.” There is much truth to that! I have steeped myself in the mythos of many cultures and they make my heart pound. How can I not love them all?

Next week, I am going to post a little mythologized story of us, this community of Dane’s, so it seems timely to share just a bit of myself (like Kelly and Annie did so well in their postings) so you can receive the gift I intend it to be.

For many, many years I was a mad woman trying to figure out how to make her life work. Underneath that was a joyful, creative being that was intensely interested in people, loved stories and insisted on the right to play. This self managed to survive the worldly Karen’s failure at proper success. Now, like others I have met in this community, I find that I don’t have to do me. Life does me rather well when I allow it, so I am lightening up considerably!

Myth (fiction that is truer than non-fiction) and magic (not prestidigitation but thaumaturgy) are passions that have survived all my wandering and remain powerful forces in my life. What I really want to do is take individuals’ mundane stories of their own lives and mythologize them so they can see the deep and beautiful truth they live. Next week’s posting will be something of similar spirit and I hope you enjoy it. If you too are interested in myth, you might catch my article in the current Branches magazine, because it deals with the Meta myth that all humankind is living.

Please take a moment to get a Google ID and share your thoughts on the blog. We are all interested in one another’s feedback and are warm to the idea of knowing each other better.

Shine on!
Karen Harper

1 comment:

Zippa Zippa Gal said...

Dear, dear Karen,
This Meandering is wonderful!! Thank you so much for your rich and wonderful self. I have been touched by your sharing. Joy to you, Dane