Monday, July 21, 2008

Your Choice - Hard or Easy Life

Would you like that to be easy or hard? Monday Morning Meandering
Today the gathering is around a large lake where the water is smooth and glistening. We see in the waters a reflection of ourselves and it is a gentle reminder that life is a mirror of all that is within. Welcome. I’m glad you are here.

Many of you sent me words of comfort in response to my last writing about being back and I am grateful. The most common words spoke encouragement that my path was just as it was meant to be, that all things happen for a reason. I agree, I get it, but today I'm not buying it wholeheartedly and here is why.

Our journey through life ebbs and flows through ease and difficulty and I believe that our being present for what is without resisting brings us much peace. In hindsight, I’m glad that my life unfolded just as it did. However, when I reflect on it, I wonder why I chose the path of most resistance at times.

What is it that brings the levels of ease and difficulty? Is it an external source, does it come from within, or is it some balance of the two? That is some of what I have been pondering in my wide open space of being outdoors and leads me to this question to you: 'How easy do you want your life to be?'

I'm reminded of a time when the driver's side door handle of my car stopped working. For a couple of days I climbed over the passenger seat to get out. I called the mechanic and he told me it would cost $12 5 to fix it but I wasn't compelled to schedule the appointment yet. One day I forgot that it was broken and as I tried to open it, my eye paused and it occured to me that I could simply roll down the window and open the door from the handle on the outside. I did that for a few days and it was much easier! One evening as I got home, my neighbor was outside and he saw the way I opened my door. He asked me what was wrong and offered to look at it. With about 2 minutes and a screwdriver, he had taken the door cover off and fixed the handle for free. Voila! This was a lesson in a lot but what really stood out for me was how much harder I make life than is needed.

There was something about those 20 years, though precious in many ways, in corporate America that had taught me that things sometimes take a long time and much red tape. Systems can be like that. I had become accustomed to that way of thinking and being and it has taken me a while to shed it. I still have work to do on walking the path of least resistance.

So let's look at what it means to live easy.

On a Saturday night a while back a friend told me that we were going to need to get a rock hammer. On the following Monday I was walking with one of you at Eagle Creek when I saw a tool on the trail. I had never seen a small rock hammer before but immediately knew this was one. Manifestation fulfilled.

Shortly after that I decided to buy a new road atlas. About 20 minutes later I was driving through a parking lot when I saw what appeared to be a map. I got out and sure enough, it was a 2008 road atlas with the only flaw being a light colored tire track across Massachusetts.

Last night I decided to recaulk my bathtub but needed to scrape away the old first. I got the inkling to go for a walk and lo and behold found a perfect little scraper in the grass just off the sidewalk.

In each of these stories there was a harder way and an easier way and life supported me in the path of ease. Being present and aware is critical and intuition is a great ease maker but the belief that life supports us totally is what opens the door to flow. Wide open space clears the clutter from our mind, body, and soul and brings in the clarity. Then we can make the connections that ease the way.

Being a life coach is fascinating work for me, simply what I was born to do, and it is an honor to hear people. We say so much about who we are in our words and actions. When people say things like 'that is going to take a long time,' or 'I can't do that.', I know that is what life will give them. Life gives us what we think, believe, and say it will give us. That is why working with thoughts, words, and actions centered around values, strengths, needs, and wants is such a big part of what I offer.

So I leave you today around the wide open water of our circle and invite you to ponder these questions:

How are your thoughts, words, and actions reflecting what you really want?
What is your path of least resistance?
How strong is your belief that life is supporting you?
Where you can let go of complexities?
How can you create more wide open space?
Do you trust yourself? Do you trust life?

I'm here to help you love and trust yourself, others, and life more. I am available tomorrow and Wednesday for private sessions. Call me at 432-7426 for your appointment time either over the phone or in my Plainfield office.

Wishing you ease and grace,

11th Anniversary Party - Sunday, August 31 from 5 to 7 pm
Please make a note on your calendar that there will be a party open house style at my office on Sunday, August 31 from 5 to 7 pm to celebrate my 11th anniversary of doing this life's work (5 years full time since leaving Lilly). I hope you are able to join us for fun, food, and festivities.

See the blog at for the Meandering from years back called Wide Open Space for more on creating it in your life. Joy!


karen harper said...

GET OUT!!! I can't believe how RIGHT ON this is for where I find myself. Are you in my head, for crying out loud!?!?! Amazing! If I am not creating all of the resistance I experience, it has to be somewhere in the 90 something percentile. I have chills when I pause to sense, "can it really be that easy?" Spooky cool!! I LOVE IT! It will be wonderful figuring out how to break the resistance pattern without using resistance. You just told me how to start. I am decluttering today! Like you said: better & better &...

Zippa Zippa Gal said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE that I was with you when you found the rock hammer!!!
That was the coolest. The fairies had to really work at pulling it into the middle of that path. Hee hee Love, Kelly