Monday, September 10, 2012

Time to Tell the Truth Truth has layers like an onion. We peel off the skin & we see a shiny surface that seems complete but then we realize that, too, must be removed. When we are ready, a new layer makes itself known & we remove that too. At the Core, we find a new knowing of truth that is sweet & tender. The truth of the truth is love. Let us make it as simple as that. Yesterday, Greg & I took to the backroads of our childhoods on the bike. We meandered thru the streets remembering the ways we walked to school; our discoveries of playgrounds & creeks & the neighborhood games we played. We grew up just a few miles apart but I left the "hood" when I was 6 & he remained. No good or bad, but our lives have deeply reflected the decisions that our parents made. All of our lives do. We can each tell many stories about the impact of our child years & like that onion, we can tear away those layers of truth . . . falsehoods really & find the sweet center that trusts that life walked the path it needed to & that we don't have to analyze or understand as much as we need to accept, trust & love. For too long, too many of us have been crossing our fingers behind our backs . . . a symbol that it is ok to tell a little white lie. We may not even know we are telling them but we are all doing it in small & significant ways. These "lies" aren't as much about what we tell others as what we tell ourselves. This Meandering is an invitation to uncross your fingers & bring your truth into the forefront . . . into the Light. This is about the stories we tell about who we are & aren't. We tell them consciously & we tell them subconsciously. The stories must stop. It is time for the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth. How much longer can any of us go on being anybody but our Core selves? The world doesn't need imitations of us. The World Needs Our Wholeness . . . Our Realness. I watched the movie "Radio Flyer" recently with Tom Hanks & love this quote by his character: "History is all in the mind of the teller. Truth is all in the telling." Be aware this week of the stories you are telling: how you stop yourself from telling the truth; how truth keeps evolving as you heal & live more in the present; how you judge your stories & those coming from others. Make subtle shifts in your thoughts, words & actions & be willing to tell more of the truth . . . to live more in love. You will know you are telling the truth when it becomes more firm & nice & when it resonates clear thru your body & being with the shimmery essence of love, peace & joy. That is the level of truth we are being called to live. Let's meet there in that clear, clean place. I am here to hear & to help you LIVE YOUR CORE CALM, CLARITY, COMFORT & CONFIDENCE.

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