Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What Now?

Meandering through my mind is the mystery of life and its magical unfolding. I'm back in that place of knowing so much, that it feels like I know so little. I'm seeing some aligning and also some confusion in our circle related to our level of knowing and our ability to ride the waves of uncertainty with confidence. Ambiguity is the new way of being and yet some are ill-prepared for its ebbs and flows. How are you doing riding the waves of all that is?

We have been preparing for so long but were we really preparing in the direction we needed to be? I'm not sure. I thought we were preparing to be present in the Now - to love unconditionally, to master creation in physical form. What were you preparing for, if anything?

I'm reminded of that day a few weeks back when I was taken to such heights by people awakening. I thought I was ready for bliss - wasn't aware that bliss could overwhelm a system that was calibrated to a lesser intensity. I know a woman who wants to love and be loved and yet in the presence of her beloved hyper-ventilated when he spoke loving words she wasn't prepared to take in. So, I'm wondering what you are really wanting and whether or not you are really prepared to receive that level of goodness? In reality, the only way we will know if we are prepared is to gauge ourselves when the gifts arrive. We have clues about our level of acceptance in our daily details though so I invite you to witness yourself as you let in more and more goodness.

Set the intentions for your day and tuck a piece of paper with what you wished for in your pocket or prominent place. As your day unfolds, watch your body clues and your breath for signs of letting go and letting in. I am here to hear you and to help.

1 comment:

Zippa Zippa Gal said...

Good Morning, just a few thoughts to share in response to meanderings.
Ah ambiguity-I liken the feeling to swimming in the ocean-there are times you get out there beyoind the break and you are just freely propelled and rocked up and down on the backs of the wave. There's so much trust-absolute trust -that you can just let go and close your eyes and you know you are in the hands of mother nature. And then then there are times when you have to use your all to enter the surf , diving under rough spots, catching a breath when you can, swim as hard as you can to propel yourself out furthur. That's when you have to trust your own instincts and call upon all your strenghths mental and physical. There were times when it was rougher than I thought and to survive I had to literally swim for my life.
I have been to differant shorelines and swam in their waters and my favorite is always returning to the sea that is unpredictable and offers something differant with each high and low tide.
So, I'm thinkiing -given your coaxing words that this sea experience is analagous to living life and a well lived life if full of complexity . You need your grounding to meet the challenges.
Just as I had an array of experiences (having to take swim lessons in the Ramapo River and feel the muck beneath your toes) those very experiences- unbeknownst to me at the time, were the very collective experiences I needed to allow me the bliss of swimming in the ocean. And, in living I believe that ALL our experiences in life matter and prepare us for the nows and tomorrows.
Do I wish I had prepared differantly knowing what I know now-yes and no. I guess that puts me in neutral and prompts me to turn to trust and faith within and without. The more times I do that the more I build confidence in being able to discern the next wave in life to ride.
I don't know "what now" and in the not knowing it prompts me to live in the moment and try to be the best I can be. Ultimately I have the faith that God put me here and nudges me on and off to wear my golden crown he gave me.
Tho I don't often comment I eat up your Monday meanderings and consider having you in my life a blessing.
My best, Nancy