Monday, January 21, 2013

Your Calling [Core Article]

Your Calling [Core Article] Right where you sit or stand right now is right where you are meant to be. Does it feel that way? If so, celebrate. If not, take a symbolic step left to right & feel your Core inkling where to shift your sight. It is typically a small step that alters our view of our calling. I invite you to join me on the Canyon edge above. Sitting there looking out over the majestic red rock reminded me of the vastness of our life experience & how to be in the moment of our majesty. I had just come away from time with my Navajo teacher & he was guiding me on the travel of time via watching the sun cross the sky. Come & sit beside me & imagine the heat of the Arizona sunshine; the ancient Anasazi ones that once walked Canyon deChelly & what they might wish to whisper in your ear. You are being called. We all are. It is time to hear your calling; to know that we are each here for a divine purpose that begins & ends with unconditionally loving self & others. Spend some time with the image. Imagine my Navajo teacher speaking to you too. His wise words mimic the words we all receive from our teachings. Listen in the ways that are right for you. Here is a prayer I prayed in the mid-90s when I was opening to my purpose. I return to if often. If you are ready for answers & you're a prayerful person, try it: Dear God, please give me clarity of mind & purity of heart. Help me to see each person as you see them, especially myself. Thank you. Amen. To Our Highest Calling, Dane

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