Monday, April 1, 2013

New View [Inspiration]

New View [Inspiration] As April Fool's Day begins, ask yourself if there are ways you are feeling fooled by life. This has been up lately as illusions fade away & our new view shakes our stable feet. Have you been asking yourself "How did I believe that when what I believe now is so different?" We can feel foolish when we wake up from our view of before & shake the illusions from our eyes but we aren't fools. Life leads us all down roads that seem to be labeled "Me" that wind up not really being "You" for long. It happens like this: A teacher tells us we can't do something & we believe. A parent instills their beliefs based on their pain & we buy it as our own. Society guides us there. Religion says "here." Corporations say "this way." Before long, we have taken so many well-intentioned detours that we forgot where we began & where we must return . . . to our Core. I moved my office from Suite 322 to 206 over the weekend & I have a new view. Just outside the window is a pond of ducks & herons & trees barely starting to bud. It smells of clean & possibilities. As I wrote those words, a vibrant red Cardinal scurried to the tree before me as I symbolic reminder of new life. Thank you, sweet bird! As Greg was applying the wall words pictured above, he asked me "How can somebody not be who they are?" Seems so simple, doesn't it? We all lose our way though. I am reminded of a Lilly executive that I coached many years ago. He had a degree in marketing but the corporate way of promotion had him walking far from his roots. He had reached a level of envy in the eyes of prestige & income but his heart ached for his center. After a few sessions, it became obvious that he wasn't willing to take the risk at this point in his career to tip the corporate cart . . . even if it meant his cart would find new & improved wheels & ride. That was ok though. He bought a Harley instead & found ways outside of work to shine. Change can be risky. It takes courage. He wanted me to keep coming for our bi-weekly talks & I asked him why. He said "Because you help me remember what is real." I invite you this week to take a ponder upon what is real & where you might be feeling fooled. Go deeper into the illusions & break free of binds that may have been right for a while but have ran their course. Take the steps to let go of the external pressures & to return to your wise & wonderful Core that holds the answers . . . like an acorn to an oak tree . . . it knows your way. Listen. Trust. Open to the New View. Change. Simply Become Who You Are. The Core Class will help & the next one is Sunday, 4/21 from 9 to 5 & yes, there is still room for you. If you aren't sure who you are anymore, or perhaps have never known, give yourself the gift of this class. This is an accelerated path for a firm foundation that will help you know you're ok no matter what. Click here for details & to register Dane

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