Tuesday, March 26, 2013

3/27 Full Moon Prep [Support]

The full moon typically brings peak wildness along with its energy of manifestation & completion. Every once in a while, though, it unleashes more wildness than usual & this message is meant to prepare for one of those. The full moon typically brings peak wildness along with its energy of manifestation & completion. Every once in a while, though, it unleashes more wildness than usual & this message is meant to prepare for one of those. The energy (which really ramped up on Sunday) is reading "difficult full moon" with the possibility of instability, anger & opposition. The moon is passing through Libra & will ultimately try to be about balance in relationships but first other planetary influences could bring imbalance. Everyone will feel the effects of this full moon, but the signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer & Capricorn, may feel it more than most. I am, by no means, an astrologer but I trust the energies that I am feeling & have heard from plenty of people that are struggling. Here are some tips for riding the waves of these feisty energies: Plant your feet firmly beneath you shoulder-width apart. Stand in your Core strength. Affirm "I am flexible & strong." Yes, we can & need to be both. Do not ground to planet Earth through your feet as you may have done in the past. Instead, imagine that you are centered within both horizontal & vertical sacred circles (for those of you that are in the Apprenticeship Program &/or relate to the Native American Medicine Wheel, connect with the circles of the 7 directions of east, south, west, north & above, below, within). At the center of this circle, you are strong, flexible, & live with integrated wholeness of mind, emotions, spirit & body. There is no separation here. Affirm "I am whole." Use your breath to deepen your sense of self & your connection to All & affirm "I am." Keep your schedule clear so that you can do what you need to do to tend to self & others. If you want support, schedule a session with me by emailing your preferred dates & times to LifeCoachDane @ gmail.com. I have extended my hours on Wednesday & Thursday to support you. Trust that we know our way through any "prediction" of wildness & focus on peace, love, prosperity & joy. So It Is. Riding the waves, Dane

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