Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Physical Integration = PLOP of body & home

Physical Integration = PLOP of body & home For those of you experiencing physical symptoms in the body or home, know there is hope. Often body and home mirror each other. It seems we begin in the body and then transition through all mind, emotion, and spirit and then plop back into the body to get it all integrated. Physical symptoms are where I am seeing a lot of people struggle right now. It is almost as if we are trying to fit all of that energy and experience into such a small container. It can happen quite naturally but takes some self-acceptance and trusting. Support: Are you aware of a moment when you 'chose' to leave the physical density for higher experience? If you are, go back to that decision and re-live it in your mind. Look at it from all angles and see its deeper truth. It is a connecting point for re-entry. Mine was in 2002 when I let go of nearly every physical possession I owned. Letting go became my way of life. Spiritual seeking became my path and it was richly rewarded. But that, too, came to completion and integration became key. Returning to knowing of wholeness is current way. We are whole. That is balance. Remembering those moments of choosing to raise our vibration; to upgrade our life are helpful in the re-entry of integration. My letting go had really started in 1995 when I had my first awakening but my conscious walking lighter in 2002 was a result of a series of events including taking off my watch, leaving Corporate America, moving out of my home and empty nest when my daughters moved out. It was a letting go of my external foundation so a stronger and more internal foundation could be built. In hindsight, I realize that I was letting go of too much without balancing the energies with letting in. It all got “corrected” in its own time but whew! Take some time to be with your changes . . . to be with any "symptoms" in body and home. See the correlations. Let go. Let in. Trust.

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